Monday, February 20, 2012


ok so really I want to know, are these tips helping you guys? Like, have you tried them and stuff? Or do you read and think they're not that good? Someone want to tell me?



Tip #4

Ok first of all I am SOOO sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy lately, and with Valentines Day recently I totally forgot about this. So yeah I'll try to be better about that...


Tip #5 - Viewing

So you've made some really neat LEGO creations right? Well, sometimes it's really hard to get your skills known to other people. I really think the best way is through digital ways. Whether it's through a blog like this, or selling them on Ebay, my personal preference is online. Although you could do it through LEGO-operated things, like Brick-Fest or other ways. You could do it in a Garage Sale, or through LEGO Digital Designer.
Really that's about it. But if you can think of a way you prefer more, then go for it! :)


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tip #3 - Storage

Tip #3 - Storage

Do you have lots of LEGO's but don't have room for them? Are they cluttering up your area? (ok this sounds really commerciall-ish) There are actually lots of ways to store your LEGO's. Really all you need is some creativity. So I'll list a few ways.

  • Classic under-the-bed
You might already be doing this, but it gets kind of messy and unorganized under there. You can buy a wooden board and put your LEGO's on it to kind of keep it cleaner. (see first tip) You can attach playground slide handles for easier access, and maybe something on the bottom to help keep it easy to push and pull.

  • Shelves
You can also organize the way I want to organize mine, but currently that proves to be impossible for me. You just get some shelves and put your LEGO's in organized bins (again, see tip 1), then label the bins, put them on the shelf, and there you go!

Really there are a ton more ways, I just listed the most common and easy ones. Be creative! That's what LEGO is all about! :)


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tip #2 - Ideas

Tip #2 - Ideas

Sometimes it can be hard to find an idea. You might have entered a contest with a certain theme, or maybe you're trying to finish off a certain sereies you made. A few good ways to get ideas are listed here.

  • The LEGO Ideas book
this is kind of self-explanatory. You can get it normally for $15.99 but prices could vary in other places. It has plenty of ideas for building and some great building tips.

  • Real-Life objects
As you go around your regular day, think,  now how could that look as a creation? It isn't hard to find inspiration around you!

  • Other builders and builds
You might see a LEGO creation and think that it's a great idea, but maybe could be tweaked here and there. Look at what other people build and see how you can modify them! It could be fun also to try and replicate them.

  • books, stories, themes
Ever read a book with a description of some strange object? Wouldn't it be cool to make it out of LEGO's so everyone could know how you imagined it?


Friday, January 6, 2012

Tip #1 - Organization

 Tip #1 - Organize

Make sure that whenever you build your LEGO's are all organized. If they are all just randomly crammed into boxes or other various things, building realistically can be quite difficult! I used to have them like that, and as a result all my creations were unimaginably colorful, not to mention that it took forever since I couldn't find specific peices.  The picture of the bins is my collection of LEGO's - I wouldn't say it is very massive, but it is quite a bit. The second picture isn't of me, but is a much better example of organization, the man works for the LEGO Group. Mine are organized by color, it pretty much is simple to see, but the yellow also has orange and silver in it, and the white has clear transparent bricks. The small circle at the bottom has my S.N.O.T. bricks (Studs Not On Top).

if you have any questions, just post and I'll try to answer them!
